Innovative cow manure organic fertilizer production line to help sustainable agricultural development

2024/08/30 14:31

Cow manure organic fertilizer production line process flow:

1. Raw material preparation:

As the main raw material of organic fertilizer, cow manure first needs to be collected, stored and preliminary treated to ensure the stability and quality of raw materials.

2. Fermentation treatment:

Cow manure raw materials enter the fermentation stage through the fermentation equipment. During the fermentation process, temperature, humidity and ventilation are controlled to promote the growth and reproduction of microorganisms and achieve the decomposition and transformation of organic matter.

3. Crushing:

The fermented cow manure is processed by crushing equipment, which breaks it into particles suitable for subsequent treatment and improves the efficiency of subsequent treatment.

4. Granulation processing:

The broken cow manure particles enter the granulation equipment, and through the process of pressing and granulating, they are made into organic fertilizer particles with uniform specifications and easy storage and application.

5. Screening and grading:

Organic fertilizer particles pass through the screening equipment to separate the particles of different specifications to ensure the uniformity and quality of the product.

6. Packaging and storage:

Organic fertilizer pellets are precisely measured and packaged by automatic packaging equipment and then stored for sale or transportation.
