Compound fertilizer equipment, sheep manure organic fertilizer production line process flow

2024/05/13 14:12

Sheep manure organic fertilizer is a kind of organic fertilizer after special treatment of organic matter which is not completely digested by sheep. It is suitable for geological improvement of alkaline land and barren land, and has a good effect on increasing crop yield. Since sheep are a ruminant and rarely drink water, the manure is dry and fine, and the amount of excretion is also small. Sheep manure organic fertilizer is a hot fertilizer between horse manure and cow manure.

Sheep manure organic fertilizer production line process flow: sheep manure and appropriate amount of straw powder mixed, the amount of mixed depends on the water content of sheep manure, the general fermentation requirements of 45% water content, that is, hand pinch into a ball, finger seam to see water, but not dripping, let go of a solution is dispersed. Then add corn flour and strain, the role of corn flour is to increase sugar for strain fermentation, so that the complex enzyme bacteria occupy the advantage of the mixed material added to the blender for mixing, stirring must be uniform, to be thorough, leaving no raw block. The mixed ingredients are piled into a 1.5-2 meter wide and 0.8-1 meter high strip, which is turned over once every 2 days with a tossing machine. 2 days of heating, 4 days odorless, 7 days loose, 9 days fragrant, 10 days into fertilizer (that is, the temperature of the second day of composting can reach 60℃-80℃, eliminating Escherichia coli, eggs and other diseases and pests; On day 4, the odor of sheep dung was removed; On day 7, the compost becomes loose and dry with white mycelium. On the ninth day, a koji aroma was emitted; On the 10th day, the bacterial fertilizer will be fermented and mature). Slightly dried, it can be crushed by semi-wet material crusher, granulated by organic fertilizer granulator, dried and dehydrated by dryer, and then screened by screening machine, the finished organic fertilizer is done, and it can be packed and stored.
