Five roles of the tiller in composting

2024/05/26 10:49

Five functions of the tiller in composting: Composting is the process of using the manure collected in the manure channel of the farm to dehydrate with a solid-liquid separator, adding crop straw or sawdust to mix according to a certain proportion, adjusting the carbon to nitrogen ratio, and adding microbial strains to perform aerobic fermentation by turning up and down the pile turning machine to form organic fertilizer and soil amendment, so as to achieve the purpose of harmless, reduction and resource utilization.


The emergence of the pile turning machine is gradually replacing the manual material turning, and we will understand its role in composting.

1, to achieve the special requirements of the composting process: the crushing of raw materials, to achieve quantitative displacement of raw materials or to give the raw material pile a certain shape.

2, improve the permeability of the raw material pile: the pile turning system can process the material into small clumps, so that the texture of sticky, elastic, dense raw material pile becomes fluffy and forms a suitable porosity.


3, mixing function in raw material conditioning: In fertilizer making, in order to adjust the carbon nitrogen ratio of raw materials, water content, pH, etc., some auxiliary materials need to be added. It can rely on the tipping machine to do stirring, and the main raw materials that are roughly piled together in proportion are evenly mixed with various auxiliary materials to achieve the purpose of quality adjustment.

4, adjust the moisture of the raw material pile: the appropriate water content of raw material fermentation is about 55%, and the moisture standard of finished organic fertilizer is below 20%. In fermentation, the consumption of raw materials by microorganisms will also cause the water to lose its carrier and free out, and the biochemical reaction will generate new water. Therefore, in addition to the evaporation formed by heat conduction, the turnover machine will turn the raw material to form a forced water vapor emission, which can be reduced in time with the fertilizer process.


5, adjust the temperature of the raw material pile: in the process of working, the raw material pellets are fully in contact with the air, mixing, when the material pile contains a lot of fresh air, aerobic microorganisms will become active to produce fermentation heat, so that the temperature of the pile rises; When the temperature is high, fresh air is added to bring the reactor temperature down. The formation of medium temperature to high temperature and then to medium temperature to high temperature, such a cycle of the state, a variety of beneficial microorganisms in their adaptation to the temperature segment of growth and reproduction.

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