Comparison of steam-pressed corn and corn meal

2024/05/12 08:36

Comparison between steam-laminated corn and cornmeal By comparing steam-laminated corn and cornmeal, we found that steam-laminated corn has advantages in terms of energy or digestibility, high digestibility can have high energy, if both values are used, it will artificially exaggerate the advantages of steam-laminated corn.


Comparison of steam-pressed corn and corn meal

By comparing steam-laminated corn and corn flour, we found that steam-laminated corn has advantages in terms of energy or digestibility, and high digestibility can have high energy. If both values are used, the advantages of steam-laminated corn will be artificially exaggerated. Compacted corn and cornmeal were compared in terms of milk production and protein.

Net milk production capacity of corn flakes: net milk production capacity of corn flour = 82:76 =1.08. In terms of energy, the price of corn flakes is 1.08 times that of corn flour. If the price of corn flour is $200 / ton, the corresponding price of pressed corn is $216 / ton. If corn flour is only $65 / ton, pressed corn is $70 / ton. By this calculation, flaked corn is more attractive in terms of price. But if corn prices are low, flaked corn is less attractive. The advantage of compacted corn can be expressed by multiplying the digestibility of compacted corn (the digestibility of compacted corn is 15% higher than that of corn flour) by 1.1, rather than by multiplying the milk yield by 1.08. Let's look at this comparison from another perspective: 2000 pounds of pressed corn x 0.82 milk. Net energy =1640 megajoules/ton, 2000 pounds of cornmeal x 0.76 net energy of milk production =1529 megajoules/ton, 1640-1520=120 megajoules/ton. 120 Mcal of net milk production per pound of fat /2.13 Mcal of net milk production =56 pounds of extra fat. Corn flour requires 56 pounds of extra fat to achieve the energy value of flaked corn. 56 pounds of fat x fat $0.3 / pound = $16.8. From this comparison, we can see that in terms of energy level, the value of flaked corn is $17 more than corn flour. Then compare the protein of corn flakes and corn flour, 2000 pounds of corn flakes x9% crude protein × 70% protein =126 pounds of protein/ton, 2000 pounds of corn flour × 9% crude protein × 55% protein =99 pounds of protein/ton, 126-99 =27 pounds. 27 pounds / 60% corn gluten meal / 60% corn gluten meal =75 pounds corn gluten meal, corn flour requires 75 pounds of corn gluten meal per ton to achieve the protein of pressed corn. 75 pounds x corn gluten meal $400 per ton /2000= $15. From the point of view of protein, pressed corn is worth $15 more than corn flour. From an energy and protein standpoint, flaked corn is worth $32 more than cornmeal. Entering the fat amount into the equation above may result in a slight change in the price of corn gluten meal. The advantages of pressed corn and corn meal are based on fat and corn gluten meal. These are two necessary comparative factors, and the advantage is clear whether corn is $2.50 or $5.0. There are other advantages of flaked corn, though they can't be measured in money. According to global research, flaking corn can increase milk production by 3-5 pounds. At $16 a pound, that translates to an increase of $0.48 to $0.8 per cow per day. The following equation assumes an increase in 3 pounds of milk: 2000 pounds of corn /15 pounds of corn feed quantity ×3 pounds of milk increase × $16 unit price of milk /1 00= $64. In this equation, we see that the pressed corn is worth $60 more than the corn meal, based on the increase in 3 pounds of milk. Using this equation, enter the amount of corn fed and the price of milk to calculate accordingly. Even an increase of 1.5 pounds of milk can be worth $30 per ton.

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