Benefits and effects of steam corn flakes

2024/08/19 16:06

1. Press corn is the corn out after cleaning, high temperature cooking, disinfection, extrusion, drying, several steps to the starch, protein, vitamins contained in the corn, all integrated together, not refining any elements in the corn, 30% higher than the utilization rate of corn.

2. Steam-pressed corn is an excellent energy feed. The total digestibility and absorption rate of starch detected by relevant departments is as high as 99%, which is nearly 30% higher than the 70% absorption rate of ordinary ground corn starch. The amount of feces produced is reduced by 15%, the nutrients in feces are significantly reduced, and the corn fragments in feces disappear.


3. After steam pressure tablet treatment, harmful microorganisms, pathogens and mycotoxins in corn are effectively removed.

4. The digestibility of starch in the whole digestive tract after corn compression tablet is more than 95%, and corn compression tablet feeding can improve the palatability of pig feed, which can increase the daily gain of piglets by about 6% and the daily gain of fattening pigs by about 2-3%.


5. Corn compression tablets can increase milk production by 8-10%, and the average milk production per cow is about 2.4-3 kg per day.

6. It can also be used in the case of cold and heat stress of cows, which can improve the ability of cows to resist cold and heat stress, relieve the cold and heat stress response of cows, and increase the content of milk protein of cows.


7. The use of pressed corn to replace all corn in the fattening stage of beef cattle and sheep can make beef cattle and sheep gain about 15%-20% daily, improve the digestibility and absorption rate of feed, save feed cost and reduce feed waste.

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