Industry News

Industry News

Comparison between steam-laminated corn and cornmeal By comparing steam-laminated corn and cornmeal, we found that steam-laminated corn has advantages in terms of energy or digestibility, high digestibility can have high energy, if both values are used, it will artificially exaggerate the
2024/05/12 08:36
(A) The lower column contains more grainIf the lower column in the stone removal machine contains too much food, to deal with the air intake problem, the key check the air intake valve ruler, the screen is not blocked, the machine equipment of the air network is not wrong, and the reverse direction
2024/05/12 08:23
The adhesive punching of corn tablet press means that the fine powder on the surface of the tablet is adhered to by the punch and the die when the tablet is pressed, resulting in one-sided, uneven and indentation, and the adhesive punching of the lettering punch is more likely to occur.1,
2024/05/10 15:36
Equipment cleaning is a headache for feed mills, especially for factories with busy production tasks. However, if this problem is ignored, feed products will not be able to guarantee long-term quality stability. For Dabinong, many products are high oil content, once the problem is more serious
2024/04/12 16:31
In the early stage of building an organic fertilizer plant, the following aspects of work need to be considered:I. Market researchBefore building an organic fertilizer plant, it is necessary to conduct sufficient market research to understand the local sources of organic waste, land fertility, crop
2024/04/12 16:18