Shanxi Yanzhi Mu 200 tons of steam corn tablet production line officially shipped

2024/04/12 09:39

Customer name: Shanxi Yanzhimu Feed Co., LTD

Purchase equipment: Nissan 200T complete project

Project background: 10 years ago, Bremetz machine in the country is still an unknown small grease equipment manufacturer, 10 years Bremetz continuous efforts to explore, innovation, adapt to changes in the market, in order to meet the needs of customers for the purpose, and gradually broaden the development of the enterprise, has developed from a single oil equipment to oil, feed, chemical, food, medicine five fields. Among them, the feed industry engineering equipment steam corn tablet engineering has walked in the forefront of this industry at home and abroad. At the end of the year, the staff of Bremetz Machinery factory are working overtime with the highest enthusiasm to produce the highest quality products for customers. Shanxi Yanzhimu production of 10 tons of steam corn tablet project is officially delivered by our company, and the equipment will be sent to the site one after another for installation.