Haiyuan China Resources Integrated Feed Production Line

2024/04/12 09:16

5T steam corn tablet production line / 15T powder production line

Project launch ceremony

On July 5, 2017, the Haiyuan China Resources Integrated Feed Project was officially started. The leaders and all employees of Haiyuan China Resources Agriculture Co., Ltd. participated in the project, and the production line was fully started and put into operation.

Haiyuan China Resources Integrated Feed Production Line

Haiyuan China Resources Integrated Feed Production Line

Project profile

At the end of 2012, the Poverty Alleviation Office of The State Council added Haiyuan County of Ningxia as the second designated poverty alleviation county of the Group. In order to implement the designated poverty alleviation work in Haiyuan, the Group formulated the Five-Year Plan for the Development of Haiyuan for Designated Assistance of China Resources Group (2014-2018). The poverty alleviation work is promoted through four aspects: industrial poverty alleviation, investment poverty alleviation, public welfare poverty alleviation and talent poverty alleviation. Haiyuan China Resources Agriculture Co., Ltd. beef cattle breeding base project, is based on the natural conditions and agricultural foundation of Haiyuan, combined with the relevant business advantages of China Resources, established the grass and livestock integration development project. The project is mainly to set up calf breeding farms, beef cattle fattening farms, livestock and grass planting processing plants and slaughterhouses in Haiyuan, focusing on helping Haiyuan County to develop beef cattle breeding and forage processing industries.

The Group officially started the construction of the beef cattle breeding base of Haiyuan China Resources Agriculture Co., LTD., a key project of designated poverty alleviation in Haiyuan County, Ningxia.

Haiyuan China Resources Integrated Feed Production Line

Project introduction

5T steam corn flakes per hour

5T steam corn flakes per hour / 15T flour production line Steam corn flakes and flour production line design process

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500T steel silo

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