Fujian Jijia grease 400*1500 crushing roller 4 shipments

2024/04/12 12:04

Customer Name: Fujian Jijia Grease

Purchase equipment: 400*1500 crushing roller 4

Business background: Fuzhou Huaven Group is the earliest and largest grain and oil trading enterprise in Fujian Province. It is a diversified group company, mainly engaged in grain and oil industry, aquatic products, iron and steel, building materials, mining and other industries. All industries of the Group have good development and strong financial strength. Fuzhou Jijia Oil Co., Ltd. was established by Fuzhou Huaven Group in May 2010. It is the first production line in Fujian Province to process 1,500 tons of rapeseed, 1,200 tons of soybeans and 800 tons of vegetable oil per day in Fuzhou Yuanhong Investment Zone. The registered capital of the company is 150 million yuan, and the total investment of the project is 300 million yuan. The company started trial production on February 18, 2012. After the completion of the project, the company will form an annual production capacity of 450,000 tons of rapeseed and soybeans.